Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day Off!!

Well technically I still have school today but I woke up at 11:00 OMG!!
(I'm the lamest 23 year old I know). Anywho today has been pretty sweet so far, like I said I got to sleep in, if you know me you prolly have some idea of what i did all day (without giving up to much of my privacy) I also took a nice walk to the grocery store to get garlic and sweet potatoes, its sooo nice outside. I wonder what M and N are doing in this weather? I made lentil with roasted sweet potatoes and sage. from a recipe I revised from the internet, it came out pretty good, and its got a nice dose a fiber in there for the scrubbink of vah insidez and what not.

its a cell phone pic until I can update my technology with a new digital cam, but yea thats what i had today, its roasted sage sweet potato with lentils it was yummy and i have lots of let overs!! yay.

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