Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Durian Shake

So a few days ago some friends from school and I took a trip to cinnci to visit Jungle Jim's a six acre grocery store. For a foodie/chef in training like me it was awesome. while i was there I found frozen Durian, Durian is the stinky thai fruit band on public transportation because it smells like rotting flesh..or something gross like that, so when i saw it I jumped at it, nate and I made soymilk shakes, the taste is very strong, we haven't been hit by the smell yet seeing as our durian was mostly frozen, I uploaded some pics so you can see, pretty crazy stuff.
I made a shake with some stuff we just had on hand you could use pretty much any sweetner
if you haven't had durian you should definitely try it at least once, if not just for the shot of vitamins and minerals and healthy proteins and blah blah, for our shake i used this

Durian Shake

Flesh of 1 Durian
1 tbl cinnamon
3 tbl corn syrup
2-3 cups soymilk
1 cup ice
4 chopped pitted dates
1/4 cup packed brown sugar

I blended everything together in my high speed blender and got this yummy cinnabun flavored shake. Aalllriight Durian!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

my weekend comes to a close

Wednesday for me is like Sunday, its the quite day before the week starts over. I have a lot of homework to do that i didn't. And a lot of reading to do that I didn't. So Thursday I'll be working hard to catch up on my homework schedule. I got to spend time with my bf until band practice stole him away and now Im just hanging out here trying to figure out what to get into for my last bit of free time. anyway will post again later.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day Off!!

Well technically I still have school today but I woke up at 11:00 OMG!!
(I'm the lamest 23 year old I know). Anywho today has been pretty sweet so far, like I said I got to sleep in, if you know me you prolly have some idea of what i did all day (without giving up to much of my privacy) I also took a nice walk to the grocery store to get garlic and sweet potatoes, its sooo nice outside. I wonder what M and N are doing in this weather? I made lentil with roasted sweet potatoes and sage. from a recipe I revised from the internet, it came out pretty good, and its got a nice dose a fiber in there for the scrubbink of vah insidez and what not.

its a cell phone pic until I can update my technology with a new digital cam, but yea thats what i had today, its roasted sage sweet potato with lentils it was yummy and i have lots of let overs!! yay.

Monday, May 5, 2008

First Blog

Don't ask. Something just told me to write everything down.
To remember and reflect and what not. so here goes, first blog. I have some rules..

RULE # 1: do not just me on my grammar alone, for all you know I may only have 1 finger and grammar could be the last thing on my mind.

RULE # 2: I can't spell, but i will do my best so again...don't judge me

RULE # 3: don't fall asleep reading my blog....something bad could happen. :D

Alright today was rough, had a plating for 176 people as soon as I got there, the menu included pesto chicken, ww pasta with fresh mozzarella and tomato, after that, an 80 # fruit tray on marble needed to be cut, I broke my toe two days ago and have been hobbling around trying to keep up with everyone and not look like an asshole. but yea know, someones gotta be the asshole and today it was me. 3:30 couldn't have come any faster, then i walked home, looked over my homework and realized I'd only done half of what was due. Needless to say I had a small coronary and had to finish that up right before I left. L gave me a ride to school at the last minute or else I'd have been walking to school with a broke ass toe. was late for school anyway cause L is on cp time...(if you dont know im not saying). So I hobbled into class 20 minutes late and again took the asshole role as I began pestering my neighbors for the info i'd missed while i was silently cursing L for coming so late. We got outta school early and now im at home, wondering what my friends are doing and my family is doing and being bored and lonely. But the love of my life gets home soon and i wont be bored. but as for now i'll just fiddle around with the pc and maybe go rest myself or read the next chapter of my fav zombie comic.